Wednesday, 7 November 2012


It is snowing this morning in Edmonton. The kind of snowfall that requires you to brush your car off twice if you hesitate for a moment after the first brushing. Tim just called, after 45 minutes of driving he is 4 blocks away. It is that kind of a snowy day. Jake and I poked our heads out this morning to watch the snow fall. It was so quiet. The city noise dampened by the falling snow. While our home is in the middle of the city just moments from downtown, to listen you wouldn't know it. So peaceful. My babe has gone down for his morning nap and with the fire on and the coffee brewing the inside of my house is peaceful too. I struck by how blessed I am to live surrounded by peace. Not just in this moment with the snowfall and the sleeping baby, but everyday. The approach of Remembrance Day also serves to remind me of this. A country without war, with access to food, warmth, shelter. The freedom to worship God without persecution. The knowledge that if my son needed medical help it would be there. Peace. It is a wonder that I get so caught up in what I have heard referred to as the first world "whine". That I let my "peace" be disturbed by long line ups at the grocery store, being on hold with the cable company or unexpected traffic. Perhaps I need more snowy days to slow down and remember the triviality of these "stresses" in comparison to what so many others face around the world. Peace, gratitude for peace.

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