Sunday 4 November 2012

My Other Half

This picture was taken at Jake's first birthday.

It seems as though it has be awhile since my last post. Not for lack of things to be thankful for but more a lack of time to publicly declare them. After a wonderful weekend with a wonderful aunt who facilitated a much needed date night I find myself extremely thankful for my other half.  It has been awhile since this mommy and daddy have been able to go out on our own. While Auntie B watched a little man, who consequently played her as a babysitter and refused to go to bed....Tim planned and executed a wonderful date. Filled with good coffee, a hilarious rendition of "Sleeping Beauty" put on by a local theatre, followed by the most delicious pizza I have had this side of the Atlantic Ocean our date night was a wonderful respite from a sick little man and a great opportunity to reconnect. I am so thankful for the man I have married, the husband he is and the father he has become. I am thankful good entertainment, yummy pizza and the chance to be out and about past 7 o'clock.

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