As I log onto this blog and see the pictures of those three sets of feet....and read the profile as a "momma of two" it has become apparent that I have not blogged for awhile. Life has been full. Full of little people and acreage living and friends and community, times of tears but many, many times of blessings. Yes, our hands are much fuller than the last time I posted, but so are our hearts. As it seems this full season has led us to yet another adventure.
This blog was started as we journeyed to Edmonton for a time of training of Tim. We took J at just over one year and I was apprehensive....alright I was down right anxious about the whole situation. There may have been a complete ugly cry breakdown as we entered the city. I was afraid we wouldn't make community. That I would be incredibly lonely with a little man in tow and a big man working long hours. Yet, we left four months later having made some lifelong friends. The blog kicked back up again when we ventured forth on our adoption journey. Our adventure to meet our little A girl. The "spice" of our family. The little lady only God knew how much we needed. It was uncharted territory. There was anxiety and apprehension. Our family would not be the same had we not ventured forth. The blessing that is our A girl would not be here. Not to say either adventure came without challenges....but those are stories for another day...and the blessings far outweighed the struggle.
Tomorrow we venture forth once again. This time as a family of 6! We have added two sweet little boys E Boy and Baby C to our tribe. With six years of child psychiatry under his belt we have decided to take a sabbatical year as a family. To learn and be. To love and rest. To enjoy time as a family and to savour our littles while they still like us. There have been tears, there is apprehension (for the love we are driving to Ottawa with 4 kids under 8) but there is also anticipation. We have been asked by many that we love and will miss dearly to keep in contact. So, this is my attempt, enjoy.....and for those of you who are the praying sort...pray for sanity and grace as we drive East.
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