Well hello out there....if anyone still checks in on us. Sorry about that ridiculous lapse of time since the last post. For anyone out there wondering....we are still alive :-). It has been a challenging few months of adjusting, fighting mono, fixing flooding houses (twice) and the like. While we felt for quite some time like the wind had been knocked right out of us we are starting to find our feet. As the second major renovation to our home since we have been home draws to a close (curse the leaky dishwasher) we are starting to feel like we are returning to some sort of normalcy. It has been a long time ladies and gentlemen. A road filled with seemingly more downs than ups but we are now on a steady uphill climb. Praise the Lord!

For those of you who may be wondering how the newest member of our family is doing...we are happy to report that she has settled right in. Donning a new set of ear tubes she is hearing and feeling much better these days. I think we are realizing just now how under the weather she must have been feeling...poor little girl. Alongside some understandable stress associated with transitioning to a family she had a seemingly endless stream of ear infections since we brought her home. Cue the referral for ear tube....those blessed things. Since having tubes put in she is singing and chattering away. Seeming to love life with the exception of when her parents say "no" or her brother gets in her way. You know, the usual sibling and two year old stuff. :-) We have just completed our first post adoption study and I can't believe it has been six months home.
The second littlest Ehmann is doing much better these days. Loving on his sister in the usual four year old way he has successfully adjusted to being bumped from "only" to "sibling". It was a tough ride but he is cuddling again with his momma (bless his little heart) and "helping" out. He told me just the other day that it was his job to "protect" his sister. After experiencing some pretty difficult rejection from him I thought this day would never come.

On a serious note, it has honestly been the hardest season we have faced as a family. A refining, humbling kind of season. The kind that knocks you to your knees and makes you occasionally shake your fists.....or maybe just I do that. A season that has brought tears and fears and regression...for all members of our family. Knowing that there are a lot of adopting families who tune into this blog I want to keep it real. Parenting is tough....adopting a toddler....tough.....but all worth the journey. As we enter a new year with new ear tubes, new floors, and a fresh perspective I am excited to see what is in store for our little family.