Even in this season of waiting there are times when I am simply astounded by how fast time passes. As if I haven't been present in every moment of my life. As if somehow time has been whisked away unbeknownst to me. When did that little bundle we brought home from the hospital learn to dress himself and negotiate bedtime? When did I grow up and get married, start my own family, create my own home? Amazing and sobering at the same time.
Today marks the first day of 2015. The passing of another year. Truth be told 2014 was a tough one, on many fronts. There were many blessings sprinkled amid the challenges.....many of them coming from the mouth of a small child....but it was laden with struggle, disappointment and discouragement. I am looking forward to a new start. A year of anticipation and hope. A year of growth as a family (in the literal and emotional way). A year to love well, serve well and steep in gratitude. A year of renewal.
For almost a year we had the following verse posted in our bathroom by our sink.
"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23
While my aspirations for a year lived well, expressing gratitude, acting in service and love are honest I know I will find moments of failure. Moments that I have allowed to slip by or be stolen. Moments of sheer humanness. How great it is to know that I need not wait until 2016 for a redo.....but that it begins afresh each morning. How sweet His mercy. Now the trick is to etch this truth on my heart and not merely frame in by my bathroom sink.